Jenny at my old house on 60th

Jenny kissing Lex in Vegas

Jenny inside our hotel in Paris

Jenny on the plane on our first trip with the girls

Jenny and I on my 21st Birthday
In case you didn't know already...Jenny and I met through my sister, Corrie, but what opened our hearts to one another was nothing other than Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I know, I know...sounds crazy, but if you know Jenny, she does not give her heart and faith and love to just anyone...this is just how I got my proverbial "foot in the door" as they say.
Our relationship has been slowly built from that point and 8 years later...here we are sharing her 30th birthday. I can tell her anything and she tells me what she wants to tell me until I weasel everything she doesn't want to tell me out of her. I can do things with her that I can't do with anybody else. She has opened me up to trying new things that I would never have tried before. I don't know what I have really taught her but I am sure there must be something otherwise I am sure she probably would have ditched me long before now. I love her to pieces and know she loves me back just as much!
This is Jenny's Favorite Buffy Moment...
1 comment:
Aargh! You are so right! I love, love, love, that scene. It still makes me sigh....
It is definately my favorite....although this one...it's probably number two or three...
Thank you for the worlds most perfect birthday.
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