So I just finished on my second film. It should be finished with the editing process by the end of September. I play Alice and this Jon plays Marty. This is a pic of him....
It was so much fun and I got tons of experience which was awesome!
Hey...we just got back from Roseburg. I love it down there...wish I could live there. This year we started off with a 31 tournament which Corrie won. I didn't made the final table and lost on the first! On Friday, Corrie, Ben, Josh and I all floated the river. It was the perfect day for it and helped me relax. Got a nice tan (thank you water reflection!) I got to go eat lunch at PETE'S mmmm goop! On Friday night, we had an Oklahoma fish fry. We started the volleyball tournament and we did the BBQ cook off. We had several contestants and way too much meat! In the end, Uncle Steve won with his ribs, dad won best Pork entry with his BBQ pork loin and Josh and I won best Beef with our flank steak. We played lots more volleyball. Uncle Andy set up a game for the kids to play that was kind of like horseshoes. He also did a chipping tournament. Kyle got closest to the pin on the second hole and won a golf hat. I won first and Damion got second...yay we won golf balls! We played name that tune and movie lines around the campfire. We had the homemade ice cream contest as well. Lola, Eden and Hailey won with their last minute Banana entry (thanks to Aunt Coco). Damion got second place with his chocolate chip mint and once again Grandma Chasteen skunked them all with a Strawberry Cheesecake entry. Aunt Tina and Aunt Carrie taught a few of us a new card game called Nerts. It was really fast paced and fun. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but you get the idea...IT WAS AWESOME! Here are some pics for you to check out....
Literally....So I got rid of the blondness that I had going and decided to go back to my natural. The only problem is that my natural color is now BLACK the hairdresser said. We agreed that would be a bit of a shock so we went with chocolate brown with a few carmel colored pieces. (Sounds good enough to eat). This is the end result....